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Remember Europe Summer Youth Camp 2017


Organizers: The “Kids of Budapest 1956” Foundation [HU] (, KIKELET Kosice Association [SK] (, Foundation The Culture and the Art over Border [PL], PANT Assocation [CZ] (

Supporter: National Cooperation Fund (Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap)

Main supporter: International Visegrad Fund (


The project:
The main aim of the Remember Europe Summer Youth Camp is that the youth of the CEE countries become more aware and informed about the history of the neighbouring countries, the second half of the XX. century, and the mentality of other nations. We would like to bring closer the nations of the Visegrad countries with cultural, sport events and lectures about the history of the XX. century.

Participants: Czech, Polish, Hungarian, and Slovak students (10 students and two educators from each country)

Contact: or + 36 30 9518 854

Photos from the last years:


Videos from last years: